The Survival & Outdoors Skills Library
Unleash your inner explorer as you master the essentials of self-sufficiency, from foraging and fire-making to emergency shelter construction and natural navigation, ensuring you're ready for any wilderness challenge.
This is an ever-growing library of hundreds of freely available resources to help you master the outdoors in any situation - all carefully curated to be easy to find in one convenient place.
Enjoy - and let us know if you would like us to find anything else.
Lee & Alex
Explore survival and outdoor skills classes at
Note: Library provided for entertainment only. We are not responsible for your use or mis-use of these resourses.
Available in
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Available in
after you enroll
- Basic_guide_to_ferrous_metallurgy-Tempil-Guide
- Blacksmithing –Getting Started Author Roger E. Davis
- Blacksmithing-101-How-to-Make-a-Forge-and-Start-Hammering-Metal-Popular-Mechanics
- DIY-Blacksmithing-Tempering-Chart
- Forging - The Skills of the Blacksmith Author V.Ryan
- Heat Treating Recipes
- Introduction-to-Blacksmithing
- New Technology and Challenges of the Blacksmithing Industry in Awka Implication for Entrepreneurship Development Author
- Redefining a Traditional Craft Practices of Blacksmithing in the Artwork of Tom Joyce Author Paola Warrender
- Smelting, forging and smithingA brief history of metallurgy forthe lexicographer Author David Mead
- Tempering_standards_used_in_blacksmithing
- The Backyard Blacksmith
- The Complete Modern Blacksmith
- The Reconstructed 1750-1761 Smithy at Historic Bethlehem (Article) Author The Pennsylvania State University
- Treadle Hammer Author Susan Parsons
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- 72Hour Checklist
- Army Ranger EDC
- Canoe Multi-Day Touring Checklist (from REI)
- Car Emergency Kit
- CAT Inspection Checklist
- Checklist for Hemorrhage
- EDC Checklist
- The Escape Plan
- ESK Checklist
- RMC EM Plan Contact Cards
- 7 Free Packing Lists (2024)
- Survival 101 Gear List
- Survival Kit
- Survival Kit Checklists
- TRIP Plan
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Combat Lifesaver Student Guide
- 2014 MOLLE II Manual
- Counter Sniper Guide US Army Pocket Manual
- Field Hygiene and Sanitation Military Reference Publication
- Field Survival
- fm21-76-1
- fm3-05-70
- How To Conduct IT Training The Army Way - Work It Daily
- MCO 1553_2B PT 2
- MCRP 3-02H Survival, Evasion and Recovery
- MCRP 8-10B.6
- SERE Manual
- Survival FM 3-05-70
- Survival Manaual Military
- Survival MCRP 3-02F (1992)
- Survivial, Evasion and Recovery MCRP 3-02H
- US Army SF Caching Techniques
- US Army Survival Manual FM 21-76
- US Army Survival Manual
- US Army Uniform and Fighting Load History
- USAF Survival Manual
- Winter Survival Course Handbook USMC
Available in
after you enroll
- Asessing Attitude in Survival Training
- Braving the Wilderness_ The Quest for True Belonging and the Courage to Stand Alone ( PDFDrive )
- Deep Survival
- Everyday survival why smart people do stupid things (Gonzales, Laurence)
- Everyday Survival
- Human Personality
- LeDoux Rethinking the Emotional Brain
- Outliers_ The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell
- Psychology of Survival Chapter 2
- Survival Psychology - Graves
- Survival Psychology Article by John Leach
- Survival Psychology by John Leach
- Survival Training Evaluation regarding Stress
- The Survivors Club (Ben Sherwood)
- The TypeFinder® Personality Test _ Truity
- Thinking Fast and Slow Kahneman
Available in
after you enroll
- 75 Items That You Need To Stockpile Before A Collapse
- 170 Disaster Items to Stock
- Acceptable Risk from Atomic Weapons
- Community Lifelines
- Electricity - Generator Facts
- Electromagnet Pulse
- Emergency Shelter Brochure for Shelter Managers
- EmergencyPrepardness
- Everyday Prepping for Beginners
- Executive Order 13607 Principles of Excellence in Education
- Flood Risk Map
- How to Outlive an EMP the Early Pioneer Way
- How to Prepare Your Vehicle for Survival
- Hurricane-Guide
- LDS-Preparedness-Manual
- Preparedness - Emergency Management (Preservation, Library of Congress)
- ATA-2021-Unclassified-Report
- UNCLASSIFIED Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community 2021
- UNCLASSIFIED Annual Threat Assessment of the Intelligence Community 2022
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