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The Lost Recordings
The Lost Recordings
Audio 1: Ted Nicholas outlines his one-of-a-kind success formula for direct mail dominance
Audio 2: Ted Nicholas continues his masterclass. Plus, Bill and Karen Myers on the go-to tools of direct mail.
Audio 3: Bill and Karen Myers continue sharing their amazing formula for direct mail riches.
Audio 4: Superstar copywriter David Deutsch shares the new marketing realities. (This is as timeless now as it was 50 years ago!)
Audio 5: The world’s most ripped-off copywriter John Carlton shares his lessons from the marketing trenches. Plus Lisa Morrice on the rules of writing direct mail copy.
Audio 6: Karen Anderson shares the secrets of finding mailing lists that pay off like a slot machine in Vegas!
Audio 7: More of Karen Anderson’s little-known tactics for buying and mailing to hyper-responsive offline lists.
Audio 8: John Eger on the golden rules you need to know when testing an offline campaign!
Audio 9: John Eger on generating leads through small classified ads. Plus the late, great Gary Halbert on selling formulas, the importance of delivering more than the customer expects, and insuring customer satisfaction to explode customer loyalty.
Audio 10: Even more of the amazing Sir Gary Halbert, “The Prince of Print!” (If you don’t have any of Gary Halbert’s incredible information in your library, don’t miss getting some!)
Audio 11: Bill Myers gives you the rules to follow when choosing your target market.
Audio 12: Bill Myers continued, on looking for and developing a direct mail products in a flash.
Audio 13: Star copywriter and marketer Carl Galletti on computers, writing copy and creating hot-selling catalogs.
Audio 14: Carl Galletti continued, on writing advertising for direct mail products.
Audio 15: Panel -- experts brainstorm to create copy for the class project.
Audio 16: Panel -- experts talk about and show how to develop a direct mail offer.
Audio 17: Panel -- experts talk about the biggest mistakes they've made in direct mail. (This audio by itself is PRICELESS!)
Audio 18: Panel -- Direct mail experiences. Plus how to use the SRDS list book… from the world’s greatest experts!
Audio 19: Panel -- How to find the right list for any product that has a market.
Audio 20: Panel -- Product packaging secrets and setting up auto-pilot offline order processing.
Audio 21: Ted Nicholas on acquiring the marketing rights to a book. (Ted has sold more books that almost anyone on the planet!)
Audio 22: Panel -- The nuts and bolts of getting a direct mail offer out the door.
Audio 23: Ted Nicholas -- More mechanics of direct mail.
Audio 24: Bill Myers continues on the mechanics of direct mail with questions from the attendees with the panel contributing.
Audio 18: Panel -- Direct mail experiences. Plus how to use the SRDS list book… from the world’s greatest experts!
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